Introduction to T-TRAK in Division 12

Brad W. demonstrated his two T-Trak double modules at our first Bring and Brag.

A few members took an interest in T-TRAK right from the beginning of the formation of the Alleghany Western Division. A committee formed and has started meeting informally. If you are interested in being involved, contact the T-TRAK Committee Chairman at ttrak@div12mcr.org

This page will be our introduction to T-TRAK: what it is, what its appeal might be, and an ongoing list of resources. Now that several members have started building T-TRAK modules our committee has started adding additional pages that will be listed in the T-TRAK Resources section below.

We selected the name “Allegheny Western T-TRAK” for listing in the T-TRAK Wiki, under Pennsylvania clubs: http://ttrak.wikidot.com/nmra-mcr-division-12-alleghany-western-t-trak


What is T-TRAK?

T-TRAK is a modular model railroad system comprised of small and easy to build modules. The modules are typically set up on tabletops for display, and they are simple to assemble, connect, transport, and store. While the concept can apply to different scales, T-TRAK is based on core standards using N Gauge Kato Unitrack. A small oval layout can be constructed with just four corners and two single modules. Larger or more complex layouts can be created by adding more modules or interconnecting with other groups of T-TRAK modelers. The current world record is now over fifteen scale miles of track in one layout constructed of T-TRAK sections.

T-TRAK display layout at World’s Greatest Hobby train-show

What is the appeal of T-TRAK?

T-TRAK appeals to new modelers who do not have the room, tools, or money to build a layout, but want to learn and participate in the hobby. T-TRAK can appeal to older modelers because of the ease of transport and set up of this form of display layout. Experienced modelers can try out new scenery techniques or explore N Scale, using T-TRAK. It is a relatively easy way to demonstrate model railroading to the public and interact with other model railroaders.


T-Trak Resources: