
Please consider helping us make this a successful return of the MCR convention to Erie, by volunteering at the Northern Express.

We need to have people in place in a number of  positions. We are designing the shifts to be around one-hour in length and aligned with the clinic schedule, so that volunteers can participate in many clinics and other activities during the day. Please consider volunteering for at least a shift or two during the convention.

The main areas where we will need help are at the display rooms for white elephant sales, company store, raffle ticket sales, and monitoring of the prizes and displayed items. The contest room will also need to be monitored while it is open. We need to have enough volunteers to have two people at display rooms at all times. We will need  additional folks volunteering at the registration desk and to help  in the clinic rooms or with any issues that may come up elsewhere.

To volunteer please contact Lee at social@div12mcr.org and put “Volunteer for the Northern Express” in the subject line. If you have a preference for position or time slot, let him know. As we get closer to the event, a current volunteer schedule will be available for download. Otherwise he will assign you based on our needs. We hope to be flexible and give you the option of changing your assigned time once the clinic schedule is finalized, so if you have a clinic you really want to see, you can participate.

Thank you in advance for spending a bit of the convention volunteering to help make the event successful.

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