We are planning to have all the features of a typical Mid Central Region convention here at the Northern Express. This page provides an overview for visitors of what to expect.
- Hospitality and registration areas will be open from Thursday morning.
- Other rooms will be opening on Thursday.
- T-TRAK and other display railroads will set-up.
- Contest display, company store, white elephant sales, and raffle sales will all begin set-up.
- Extra-fare clinic, “Building T-TRAK Modules,” will have three sessions on Thursday. Two other clinic rooms will be open with clinics on Thursday evening.
- Hospitality and registration areas open all day.
- T-TRAK and modular railroads on display Friday morning and afternoon, judging on Friday night.
- Contest display, company store, white elephant sales, and raffle sales will be active all day.
- Three clinic rooms with clinics active all day and in the evening.
- MCR Board of Directors meeting held on Friday evening.
- Hospitality and registration areas open all day.
- T-TRAK and modular railroads open on Saturday morning, closed for photography and take-down on Saturday afternoon.
- Contest judging on Saturday morning, closed for photography in the afternoon.
- Company store, white elephant sales, and raffle sales will be running on Saturday morning, but closed in the afternoon for final tallying.
- Ladies’ luncheon and activity Saturday afternoon.
- Three clinic rooms with clinics morning and afternoon.
- Banquet and special painting raffle drawing on Saturday evening.
- Superintendent’s breakfast