
Hotel and Reservation Information:

For those traveling from some distance, we have arranged a few rooms at the site of the event. To make a reservation with the discount price of $135.00 per night call the Hilton Garden Inn directly at 814-866-1390 and mention that you are attending the Alleghany Western Mini-Meet on September 10, 2022. Make sure to ask for the “NMRA Block” when registering for a hotel room.

Online Registration:

To register and pay securely online, please go HERE.

Mail-in Registration:

Download, print out, and fill in the 2022 AWMM Mail-in Registration Flyer. Mail it and a check to Division 12, MCR, NMRA at PO Box 1052, Meadville, PA 16335. Please be sure to check if you are interested in ops-sessions, having your models displayed, or having a model judged for merit award. Confirmation and additional information will be sent by email.