- February: First Membership meeting on Saturday, February 10, 2018 at the Quality Inn and Suites in Erie, PA.
- March: Board of Directors meeting Saturday, March 10 at the Cambridge Springs Trolley Station. Planning for 2018 meetings and activities.
- April: Membership meeting: Saturday, April 14th at 1:00 PM at the Cambridge Springs Trolley Station. Presentation: Blaine Hays on Erie Interurban transit.
- May: Membership meeting: Saturday, May 12th at 1:00 PM at the Cambridge Springs Trolley Station. Presentation: Dick Bradley on short lines of the 1960s.
- June: Membership meeting and Event: Saturday, June 9th Picnic and train watching at Gale Street in Westfield NY. Membership meeting at 11:00 AM and picnic beginning at 12:30 PM.
- July: Membership meeting: Saturday, July 14th at 10:00 AM at the Cambridge Springs Trolley Station. Presentation: Dave Ellis on model railroad backdrops.
- July: Event: Division 12 Information Table and T-Trak Layout at the Jefferson Historical Society’s Train Show on Saturday, July 21st from 10:00 AM-3:00 PM.
- August: Membership meeting: Saturday, August 11th at 10:00 AM at the Cambridge Springs Trolley Station. Presentation: Brad White on model railroad operations on the Chautauqua Branch.
- September: Membership meeting: Saturday, September 8th at 1:00 PM at the Salamanca Railroad Museum. Details to be confirmed
- September: Board of Directors meeting: Saturday, September 29th, at the Cambridge Springs Trolley Station. Planning for November Division 12 events: Erie Train Show, T-Trak Displays, NMRA Layout tours.
- October: Membership meeting: Tentatively, Erie area meeting with presentation on operations on a model railroad and then operating on the railroad after the meeting. Details to be confirmed.
- November: Public Event(s): Erie Train Show and possible other public demonstrations of Division 12 T-Trak layout. NMRA only event: Layout tours.
- December: Break and holidays.
Category Archives: Board of Directors
Board of Directors Meeting
The Allegheny Western Board of Directors plan to meet on Monday January 6th 2025 at 7:30PM via Zoom. The agenda will cover upcoming membership meetings and Division 12 activities.
Organizational Board of Directors Meeting

Back row, left to right, are Brad White, Dave Ellis, Dick Bradley, and Doug Sandmeyer. Front row, left to right, are Mike Hauk, Chris Mincemoyer, and Dave Neff (Superintendent of Division 5).
On Saturday, December 9, 2017 the Alleghany Western Division Board of Directors met in an organizational meeting. So, we are official! The Regulations were tentatively approved pending further approval of the general membership. A copy of the Regulations can be found on the Documents page. Besides making sure that we had our t’s crossed and our i’s dotted in forming a new division, we discussed what kind of events Division 12 might participate in, what membership meetings might look like, and what membership meeting schedules might be.