
Division 12, Mid Central Region, NMRA, Inc., also known as the Alleghany Western Division, is a recently formed division of the National Model Railroad Association, located in Northwestern Pennsylvania and Southwestern New York.

For the most up-to-date information about our organization, membership meetings, or public events please use the News/Events page or search button at the bottom of this page.


Next Membership Meeting Event:

Saturday, September 14th, 2024. 10 AM. In-person meeting at J.L. Innovative Design’s “Institute for Model Railroading Excellence” in the former Cow Palace, Limestone, NY. 72 Hillside Drive, Limestone, NY 14753. Program: “Fast Tracks turnouts Make-and-Take”. Division members will bring their Fast Tracks jigs and fixtures and materials to scratchbuild turnouts and crossings on-site. See attached tool and supply list later in this month’s newsletter.

Superintendent’s Letter for September 2024

I sincerely hope all our readers had a safe and successful summer! Perhaps you used the time to do some railfanning , visit a tourist line like the EBT or Strasburg, see some well-known railroad landmarks like Horseshoe Curve or Cajon Pass, or just sought  refuge from the heat and humidity in your basement or train-room to work on a few projects.

While the summer may be winding down however, “model railroad season”, i.e. fall and winter, will be ramping up. Your Division has a full slate of meetings and events coming up through the fall and winter, and we are even looking ahead to events into the spring of 2025.

Some of these events will need YOUR participation to be 100% successful though; most significantly the Erie Train Show and the Festival of Trees, both coincidentally scheduled during National Model Railroad Month. We’ll need volunteers for the Division tables and the kitchen concessions at the Erie Train Show, and volunteers in the “train room” at the Festival of Trees over Thanksgiving weekend. Even if you can only spare an hour or so at either of these events, the help will be appreciated and it’s a great opportunity to get more involved and support YOUR Division!

Check out these and other upcoming great events in the newsletter below, and we hope to see you there at one or more!

Mike Hauk

Superintendent, Division 12, MCR


Current Builder’s Plate newsletter available here.

Current Mid-Central Region Kingpin newsletter available here.


Know of any train shows in Western Pennsylvania, Western New York, or North East Ohio? Please send them to me at webeditor@div12mcr.org

  Allegheny Western Facebook Page or Facebook Group

 National Model Railroad Association

 Mid Central Region